Serwisy Medforum

1st International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder

Termin i miejsce

  • Niemcy
  •  Berlin


  • pełna nazwa: Schön Klinik Hamburg-Eilbek
    Deptartment of Psychiatry

    German Association for DBT

    The Congress will be organized in cooperation with the

    * Association for Research in Personality Disorders (ARPD)
    * Austrian Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (ÖGPP)
    * Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim (CIMH)
    * European Psychiatric Association (EPA)
    * European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (ESSPD)
    * German Association for DBT (Dachverband Dialektisch-Behaviorale Therapie e.V. - DDBT)
    * German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (DGPPN)
    * Gesellschaft zur Erforschung und Therapie von Persönlichkeits-
    störungen (GePs)
    * International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (ISSPD)
    * Swiss Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SGPP)
    * World Psychiatric Association
  • adres: Dehnhaide 120
    22081 Hamburg, Germany
  • osoba kontaktowa: Thorsten Kienast, MD
  • telefon: +49 – (0)40- 2092 1402
  • faks: +49 – (0)40 – 2092 1400
  • strona WWW:
  • adres e-mail: [email protected]

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